Saturday, February 25, 2012

Anthony Morrison is Awesome


Anthony Morrison is one of my favorite people, because he opened up my eyes to how easy it is to online market products.  Your secret millionaire product has made daycare cheaper and I hope it eventually eliminates it all together.  My wife is also starting her own website affiliate career after being skeptical.  My advice for newbies to the program: stick with the program, utilize customer service when stuck, and after a few weeks to a month, you should be able to start bringing in money through all sorts of outlets.  I know these programs offer huge money in short periods of time, but I realize those people are experts.  It took me a month of frustration and about 60 hours in front of a computer before income started streaming in.  I also will say it helps if you are good at networking, electronically creative, and good at paperwork.  Click here to visit the website.